Do You Misuse Substances and Need Help?
Get Back on Track TODAY
Substance Misuse Counseling
Gateway Children’s Services offers outpatient behavioral health services and substance abuse treatment services. Our Substance Abuse Treatment Services provides assessments, referrals, education, counseling, and treatment for individuals with substance misuse.
DUI Classes & Counseling
Have you been convicted of driving under the influence? Our DUI Program is licensed and certified by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services to provide court-mandated classes for alcohol and other drug abuse services to individuals convicted of Driving Under the Influence, pursuant to KRS Chapter 189A00. We’ll perform a DUI evaluation to determine the best course of treatment. Getting a mandatory referral for DUI classes leaves choice out of the equation.
We can help you get your license, life, and sobriety back. Please call 859.498.9892 to schedule an appointment today.